In light of recent events concerning the dismissal of the Honorable Member of Parliament for Sefwi Wiawso from the hallowed Chamber of the Parliament of Ghana, it has become necessary for us to issue this statement to provide clarity on this issue and quell any misconceptions that may have arisen. Claims of bias and disdain towards the constituents of Sefwi Wiawso, as purported in a statement by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Western North Region, are unfounded and should be disregarded.
At the very onset, it is imperative to emphasize that the decision taken by the Speaker of Parliament, the Rt Hon Alban K. S. Bagbin, to order the Honorable MP’s exit from the chamber was not a manifestation of disrespect to the respectable citizens of Sefwi Wiawso nor the Western North Region as a whole. The essence of the decision was anchored on the grounds of upholding parliamentary decorum, a tenet critical to the effective functioning of a democratic institution that Ghana’s Parliament is.
The events leading to the expulsion of the Sefwi Wiawso MP from the Chamber were, regrettably, a clear insubordination. It is indispensable in a parliamentary democracy for its members to exhibit a certain level of discipline and respect for the rules and procedures. Disregard for the authority of the Speaker, and contraventions of decorum set a dangerous precedent and if unchecked, can impair the dignity and authority of Parliament to discharging its constitutional mandate.
The Rt Hon Speaker, as the head of this august house, is mandated to ensure that the business of the House is conducted in an orderly, fair, and respectful manner. Let it be crystal clear that the Speaker’s role is not that of a mere figurehead, but that of an arbiter and guardian of the rule of law within the walls of the parliamentary chamber. His extensive experience and dedication to the democratic process have been demonstrated unequivocally through his actions that display impartiality and judiciousness.
In the particular incident in question, the Honorable Member for Sefwi Wiawso exhibited behaviour that contravened the norms of parliamentary procedures. Such acts, if tolerated, could seriously undermine the Speaker’s ability to manage parliamentary proceedings effectively. Consequently, the application of disciplinary measures becomes a tool not of victimization but of last resort to restore the integrity of the parliamentary process.
When an honorable member of Parliament fails to adhere to the guidance of the Speaker and engages in acts that impede the flow of proceedings, the Speaker possesses the constitutional prerogative to employ necessary measures to maintain order and dignity. This is what transpired in the situation with the SefwiWiawso MP. The Speaker’s actions should be perceived as a bid to maintain the dignity of the House and not as disdain towards any constituent or region.
It is important to recognize that the Speaker’s actions in this and other similar situations are not impulsive but rather based on a series of remedial steps aimed at giving the concerned MP every opportunity to retract and rectify their conduct before invoking the sanction of expulsion from the chamber. It is also necessary to debunk any suggestion that the egress of the MP was an act of political retribution. The action bore no scent of partiality along party lines; it was a principled decision upholding Parliamentary standard.
Moreover, it is erroneous for anyone to equate the ejection of an MP from Parliament as a slight on the constituents that MP represents. On the contrary, parliamentary rules and sanctions are directed at the behavior of individual MPs and not at their constituencies. The rights and dignity of the residents of the Sefwi Wiawso Constituency and the Western Region at large remain intact and must not be conflated with the necessary disciplinary measures meted out towards their representative.
We hereby urge all stakeholders, especially the media and political commentators, to refrain from unwarranted interpretations that may serve to inflame partisan tensions. Instead, let us all uphold the highest degree of integrity and discipline which are the hallmarks of democratic governance. This will ensure that our Parliament remains a strong and respected institution capable of driving national development and fostering democratic culture.
Let us, with one accord, support the Rt Hon Speaker in his quest to administer his duties with fairness while enforcing the necessary discipline needed in the Chamber of Parliament. That way, we ensure a thriving parliamentary democracy where decorum and respect are not mere words but the very principles that guide all proceedings.
Abdulai Kyegnye
Group Organizer
Mobile: 0243 819808
Isaac Badita
Group P.R.O
Mobile: 0591106638
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