ANOTHER HEARTBREAK IN UPPER WEST: Popular TikTok Lovers MÂÇÇÀ De STÙBBØRÑ And Pretty (Mavis) Call it Quits.


Macca De STÙBBØRÑ and Pretty (Mavis), a popular TikTok couple in their early 20s, who had taken the platform by storm over the past two years, have called it quits due to a severe breach of trust. Macca was caught red-handed at a guest house near Tendaanba JHS in Wa, romantically involved with Pretty’s close friend, whom she deeply trusted.

According to Pretty, she had suspicions about Macca’s behavior and his friendship with her best friend, but they both denied any wrongdoing, claiming it was just a platonic relationship. A friend had been warning her about the closeness between Macca and her best friend, but trust kept the bond going until she was shown pictorial evidence of the infidelity.

Pretty, who is currently out of Wa, received the incriminating photos from the friend who had been warning her. Macca took to his TikTok page to announce the breakup in a tragic post, saying: “Not everything lasts forever. I’m sorry for hurting you. I pray you recover and be happy again.

watch video here: