Sensational and versatile sound engineer, Abdul Subur, popularly known as QobrahBeatz, was the topic of discussion last week, with many taking to his social media to criticize his style of beats as “kin kin,” denoting an unpleasing sound. This conversation came alive after the current viral song “Jagaban” by Sambwoy took the whole media space, with listeners giving their remarks about the release’s art. While others focused on the lyrical content, the rest were on the instrumentation, labeling it as an overhyped work from the renowned sound doctor.
However, the matured producer made the most of the shades, exhibiting why he should be the rightful owner of the production throne in his zone (Upper West Region) and also showcasing his unmatched leadership qualities by using the phrase “Kin Kin,” an ill word directed at him, to create another masterpiece. He chose to reply and shut down his critics, showing that he can do extra, and the beat that sparked the whole controversy was played as deserved and was the best fit for the song it was meant for.
He titled the project “Kin Kin,” set to be released any moment from today. After announcing the arrival of the project on his Facebook wall, he added that he promised to record a 4-song EP for whichever artist impressed him on the soon-to-be-released “Kin Kin” beats. This was revealed after further interrogation by myself on WhatsApp.
He ended by emphasizing that love for the industry should be paramount, and only then can the growth we seek come to reality. He welcomes all critics, as that’s the only way he can realize his flaws and improve. However, he debunked any form of disrespect that comes with the supposed corrections he seeks from the general public.